Do you want to train in one of the most Elite groups in Switzerland? If you feel confident in your skill level, I regularly teach in a high level shooting class, the Performance Shooting Group.

This is no beer&bullets club, we don’t train because it's cool to hang and shoot with the “bros”, instead this is a class where we try to reach the highest level of shooting performance. Constant innovation in all shooting techniques is the only way to achieve Top levels of Performance, so an open mind is needed as 'Stagnant means Death'. The shooter must welcome frustration and failure as it leads to knowledge. The other shooters will try to outshoot you every single time because steel sharpens steel.

An uncompromising type of mindset will make the journey easier.
You can try to join the Group by attempting the Shooter Assessment and Selection (SAS).
If you don’t pass Selection, you can always try again. 
SAS can be attempted twice per shooter unless the shooter gives up during Selection or violates a safety rule.
If you pass Selection, you get to train in an Elite, uncompromising environment that will push you to Excellence.

Just remember, Selection is ongoing, it never stops. If the others shooters find you lacking, you will be invited out. Plenty of new shooters trying to get in, show us why you're staying.
Both Selection and Performance Group Classes are always Hybrid, meaning Pistol and Rifle.
Being good in just one platform is not enough here.
Performance Group Classes are always once a week, in the same day, at the same time, in the same location (central Switzerland), throughout the year without any pause. No compromises, no excuses, just performance.
Contact me for details.